Sunday, January 06, 2013

Snowflake Bentley

We read Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin.  This book is a biography about a man named Wilson Bentley who was born in 1865 and lived in Vermont.
Why do you think the author wrote this book? What did she want us to understand?
 The themes found in this book are patience and perseverance. Choose one theme and give an example from the book that supports the theme you chose.


rafael said...

the aother write this story because he want us to know about snowflake bentley

Nora said...

i think she wrote this book so we can express our feelings and feel good about it.
what i think she wants to understand about this story is that bentley REALLY LOVES SNOWFLAKES!

Cecilia said...

the reason i think the author wrote this book is so chideren can know the wonders of snow.Also for kids to learn about the past

Alyson said...

I think the aurther's porpuse of writing this book was that she was tring to tell us about Snowflake Bently's life and how much he injoyed snow.he had peserverance y never giving up on making a perfect snowflake picture.

sergio said...

he wont us to no abowt his snow flaks

Nora said...

i think snowflake bently had perseverance because he had to wait for the perfect snowflake to come and not melt at all.

zach said...

I think that he had alot of pashons.He also found that not one
snowflake is the same.

adam said...

that he reelay loved snow more than anything else and he was pashent and had many falierse but then he started to make hundreds or thousands of picurs of snowflakes and then showed it to other pepole and when he died they bilut a monument for him

Jayden said...

1.The ather wanted to teach us about snowflake Bentley.and how he loved was pationt because he toke his time to take snowflake pichers.

Eli said...

I think that she wrote this book because how amazing it was that "Snowflake Bently" took a picture of a snowflake. I think what she wanted to understand is to never give up. I think he had patience when he wated for snow.

cole said...

The arther wanted to tell us aboat snow flak bentley.It took along time for snowflake bentley to ge a picicher of a snowflake.

Cecilia said...

i think wilson had patience because he kept waiting calmly to get the picture right.and finally he got it right.

rafael said...

the reason I think the aother wrote this book is so they can know me aiso for the kids to learn about the past

McKenna said...

I think she wrote this book because she wanted to teach kids never to give up.Bentley REALLY LOVES SNOW,and SNOWFLAKES.Bentley did not stop when he found out the pictures did't work ,but he kept on trying and found a way.

scott said...

I think it is abote how he loved snow more then evrting. Pashents He wated and watid for the prfict snow flake and pictcher.

Qyntell said...

I think the author wrote this book to give us a moral about patience.I think he was pationt because the book said he had many failures.

nate badger said...

he was patoin that he wated for the snow to fall down.He tired to get clere photogragh.

sarah said...

The athour wrote this book because she wanted us to learn about Snow Flake Bently.He had pationts because he wated for a long time to take the just right photo of a snowflake.

morgan said...

the athoris tryingto teach us about snow flake benley and how he made his photo of snow flake
he hade pateance by waiting for the perfict photo

zach said...

he had alot of paoshons.he said that not two are the same.i think that he wanted us to know how beutyful snow is.

leo said...

The ather was taling that he love snow a lot.
He was witing an witing to get a good pasher of a snowflak to shaer to mom and dad.

cole said...

He was pashunt won he had a hard time tring to get a picher of a snowflake.

leroy said...

the author wants us to know that snowflakebently loves snowflakes.

nate badger said...

he ment to wirte a story about a boy who loved snow

Katrina said...

The auther wrote the book because she wanted us to learn about Snowflake Bentely and his snowflakes.Snowflake Bentley had alot of patience.He did not give up when he failed all those times.Next time I see a snowflake I will think of Snowflake Bentley.

Jacob said...

snow flake benly he was pashint for showing his parints he nevvr gave up.