Sunday, March 17, 2013

James and the Giant Peach

Do you like the book James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl? Give at least 3 reasons to support your opinion.


michael said...

i liked the part where james had the idea to hook the gulls to the peach with silk

it was amazing when the little green man came out of the heges

it thought it was funny when the centipede made fun of the cloud men
it was so funny when the english ship saw the peach and thought it was a super weapon and the officers thought he was crazy

it was unexepected when the peach appeard on the peach tree that never had a peach

Eli said...

I like the book James And The Giant Peach, why I like it is when the Cloud Men throgh the hail. I also when James took a bite of the peach and said it was delicous. I thought it was funny when the centipede said all the food he had tasted.

rafael said...

I like this book because it had adventue and because of the earth werom became baet for the sea gioss and the beaging was intersting of the peach growing gint and aunt spouge was a FAT! women

adam said...

I liked it when they saw the cloud men and got hail stones and trew hem at the peach.and when they cahat the seaguuls and finnly got them in the air just in time.and ant sponge was very fat. and aunt spiker was as skinny as a rail.and they both hated james.

zach said...

I like the part when the cloud
people through the hail at Jamse.
I also like it when the sharks
are surounding the peach.
I alsoliked it when the old man
meets Jamse and he gives him
the majic bugs.

cecilia said...

i like it.its ok but not my idea of a good book.i like it beacause it is funny.i mean like when the peach was rolling down hill it ran over Aunt sponge and spiker.i also like it beacause their going on an amazing adventure inside a peach.And the third reason is the friendship.i like seeing people being good friends.i do not like seeing people fight.

morgan said...

I think so far it's a really cool book.My favrote part was when the centipedetold us all the good things he likes, and we thought that was gross.I think anut spounge and anut spiker are funny because one is big and the other is really skinny.I did not like the part when the rino escaped from the cage and killed james's parent.

leroy said...

bugs can't be giant . peach es can't be giant


cole said...

I like this book becase it is cool becase the clod men throo hale and the peach was in the ocn with sharcks wher arond it was funny wen the peach kep groing and groing.

Qyn said...

I liked it because it was funny when they got flung around in the peach.And when the guys from the clouds threw hail at them.And when the cricket ate all that wierd stuff.

Nora said...

I think that this story is funny, because when the cloud men take a piece of the clouds and makes a hailstone and starts a war, I think that's pretty funny.

What I think is that one part of the book is disgusting!! Not a little disgusting, but allot. So lets get to the disgusting part, that part is when the centipede tells his meal in a song.

What I do not like about the book is that some language in his story's is not so good for children. Also when he/she gets older, you don't want a husband/wife who uses bad language. Do you?

nate said...

I like this story and i think this is gross what the grashoper gets for his birthday.I dont like when his ants bully him.My favorite part is when the get on the peach

jacob said...

I liked it because it was funey like when james said i am so hungrey that i can eat that holl peach i like when the cricket said i like flys,worms and other inscse james and the giant peach is a good book.

Jayden said...

I like when the senaped ate threw the stem of the was cool when they got a bunch of segoles to pick up the peach too.I like when james meat all of those was funny when the peach cep growing.

leo said...

I like the book.
I liked when james mate the setrpede.
I like when the clode man ther the hiil stone balles.
I like whenjames saved the setrpede.

McKenna said...

I love this book because its very very very funny!!!!!!I like when they use the earth worm to catch pelicans to fly the boat out of the water.

I also like the cloud people when they tryed to attack the giant peach,and when they staired at was realy funny to.

I think Rould Daul had put a lot of emagination uinto this book and the fact that it feels like your in it is also really amizing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the fact that it feels like he just throughs anything into the book that pops up in his head then makes a good book out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

scott said...

I like the book beacas it is funny ware the part waer the senapesd makes the clawd men mad and thay thwo hall stons at them. also wen the old man givs jams the alagater tungs . also wen thay crush jams mean ants.

sergio said...

I liket the book cuso it was funny cuse the part when they had to cach som birs and they had to yooz the senpeed. and he par that they had to sieep in a peech. and the part that the peech flote.

sarah said...

I liked the book becuase I tought it was nice when the silkworm and the grasshopper saved the centipied.I also liked this book because they where clever when they spun seagulls to the top of the peach to make it fly.The best part was when James saved everyone by telling them to go down stairs.

leroy said...

ilikedwhenjamesgotthegullwithsilk.iIlikedwhenmancameoutofbushes.James and the giant peach is the best book ever read.

becca said...

I like the centipede becaues It was nasty when he ate off his stomit it was grosse 1thing
Another thing is i did not like when the ants bullde him 2things
What I like most of all was when the sluges and stuff were eating their dinner weard.

Katrina said...

I think that the book so far is funny. It is funny to me beacause the centepied told all of his favoite things to eat.It was gross but mostly funny. The book also has adventrue.James was very brave helping his new friends like that.The book also said friendship to me beacause James was a very good friend to his new friends in the peach.