Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Boxcar Children

We read The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner. The themes found in this book are: courage, self-reliance, friendship, and responsibility. Choose one theme and give an example from the book that supports the theme you chose.


Nora said...

I am going to do freindship. I think they had friendship because they did not fight and most brothers and sisters fight. When they had used it in a beautiful way was when Vilot was sick because they treated her with respect and helped her to the doctor, too. But I think they brought her love and kindness and that is the best out of all.

scott said...

I pick responsubilute they make thar own beds and cook thar own food

morgan said...

freindship they always cared for each other.they help vilot when she was sick.

sarah said...

I Found a lot of self realience in this story.I'll tell you one,they went to the dump,and found some silverwear,some cups,some plates,and other stuff you might need for a house.

Alyson said...

Friendship - The boxcarchildren always stick toghether and help eachohter out.They also learn to be friends with dr.moor.

Self rielince-They always count on eachother and belive on eachother.

zach said...

I pick frindship at the end they
become frind`s with their grand

qyntell said...

It is about friendship because they are not mean to each other and they don't fight over watch and who is the boss of the house.

Eli said...

They showed responsability by taking care of Benny,like when Jessie caried him around why he was sleeping.

adam said...


they show frindship becuse tehey dont want to be split apart

and they think there grandfather is mean

so they moved to a boxcar

sergio said...

they play and they toc car of beney becus they iove him.

LEROY said...

Freindship theylove eachother they dont fight theylove BENNY!

leo said...

They clan the boxcar in the day
time and at nite time.

They love benen becas he is the
smalles out have all of them.

alyson said...

Friendship-they helped vilot when she was sick.

Cecilia said...

I chose courage because in the Boxcar Children they had the courage to go out on their own and find their food, water, and make themselves a home in obviously in the middle of nowhere. Until they found their grandfather. This part reminded me about the time I got to go to this big children’s museum with my friend Ethan. Our parents said we could go to the playmaze on the bottom floor. After that we were fine until he had to use the bathroom. And when that happened I kind of got lost in there. when he came out he found me wondering of then we both got lost together. But together we had the courage to find our way back. After all we were both six.

RAFAEL said...

they have friendship by takeing cair of eachother just want brothers and sisther .

nate said...

they all worked together to get mony.

cole said...

When they took care of beny they did not complane.

Katrina said...

I have a connection about courage. One day at sience club,Miss.Adams said we all were going on the natue trail.Lily and I were very excited."I can't wait!"Lily squeald.Once we got on the natue trail Lily and I stoped 15 minits later.We piced up lots and lots of pinecones,twigs, and leafs.When we looked around.....we were LOST!We looked and looked but we were completly lost.Then we ran into a snake!But I had the courage to drop a rock on the snake's head.Then we ran into a............tranchurla!That spider was huge I tell you!But once again I had the courage to kill the huge spider with an even bigger rock.Then we caght up to the group."You were very brave Katrina."Lily wisperd."Thank you Lily."I wisperd back.Since that day we never got lost again.

michael said...

I chose the theme friendship because they are not fighting about anything.

Katrina said...

I chose courage because Hennry had courage to win the race.Also because all the kids had courage to run away from the baker's wife.Also beause all the kids had the couage to take care of themselfs.

McKenna said...

I found a lot of friend ship like when Henry Jessie and Benny helped Violet when she got sick.