Question: What will happen when white flowers are placed in red, yellow, blue, and green food coloring?
The Scientific Method was followed when conducting this experiment in class.
1. State the question. What do you want to find out?
2. Research. Find out as much as you can about the topic.
3. Write the hypothesis. What do you think will happen?
4. Design the experiment: Materials needed and procedures to follow.
5. Complete the experiment.
6. Record and analyze data. What happened?
7. Draw conclusions. What did I find out and how does it compare with what I thought would happen?
3. Write the hypothesis. What do you think will happen?
4. Design the experiment: Materials needed and procedures to follow.
5. Complete the experiment.
6. Record and analyze data. What happened?
7. Draw conclusions. What did I find out and how does it compare with what I thought would happen?
What did you learn from this experiment?
My hypothesis was correct because I said that the cappilary action would soak up the food coloring and change the petals color.I was also correct because I said that the mixed would turn green because green is darkest.On the outer edge,also around the middle.Yellow is brightest and blue is darkest.I wonder if I dip the petals in the food die it will be more solid.
My hypothesis was incorrect because that the colors stayed the same.The colors moved to the petals.The brightest color is yellow the most best turned out color is combined.If I did this again I whould add more color.I whould do 3 bottles of food coloring for each plant.
My hypothesis was incorret because I said green was the lightest and the mixed be a rainbow I wonder what will happen if I used neon colors
My hypothesis was partially correct.I was partially correct because i thought the red was going totern the petals red but it turned pink.I was right about everything else because i said the blue food coloring would make the flower blue.Green would make it green.Last theyellow would tern yellow and yellow would be the brightesy of all of the colors.
my hypotheis was partly corret because i said yellow is going to be bright i said green is going to be dark mixed is goig to be dark to
My hypothesis was partially corret because I said the color that it is.Green was the sled color of the experimert.Blue the blue look tideiy but the blue for me is the coolest.Red the red was cool to because it was lite red and drck red.Yellow was the lite color in the experimert.Mix the mix is awerow because there is green and blue in it.If I did this experimert again,I would mix two color in the foodcoloring
My hypothes was partially correct.The capillary action made the flowers soak up the food coloring.I said that the yellow and blue will be light. I also said that green will be darkest and red will be lightest.I thought the mixed would be rainbow but it was dark green.I wonder whatgreen and blue do mixed together.My friends and I loved this experment because it was super duper duper fun.I think the class had fun with this experment.P.S. SUPER SUPER FUN.
My hypothesis was partially correct.I said the lightest color would be yellow and I was correct.I said that blue would be the darkest color I was wrong it was green.I thought the mix would have red,blue,green and yellow but it was just green.At the tip of the pettles that was where the color was darkest at.Non of the colors were solid. but green was the most solid.If I did this experiment again I would split the flower half way and put both sides of the plant in different food coloring.
my hypothesis was partially corret...they changed hat ever color that was in there.But the mix changed many different colors in sted of one color.Why din`t the middle change color?I wonder what will hapen if you turned the flowers up side down and let them sit in the food coloring
My hypothesis was correct because
I said that if you put yellow,green
,blue,and red food coloring in one
vase each flower will be a
different color.The vase with the
red food coloring was red.The vase
with the yellow food coloring was
yellow.The vase with the blue food
coloring was blue.The vase with the
green food coloring was green.I
wonder what would happen if I used
brown and black food coloring
My hypothesis was,it would turn
rainbow.And it was incorect and
it turned the color that was in there.And the mixed turned green.
''Next time i'm doing neon''.
My hypothesis was partly correct.I said that once the flowers drank the colored water,the flowers petals would turn the color of the water.I also said that the brightest color would be red,the lightest color would be yellow,and the darkest color would be green.When all of the colors were mixed together the flowers would turn brown.In the expirement,when the flowers drank tht e colored water the flowers turned that color.
The darkest color was all of the colors mixed together.The lightest color was red and the brightest color was yellow.When all of the colors were mixed together the flowers turned dark green on the outside of the petals and there was a light green on the inside of the petals.In the flower I saw some blue too.The flowers were darkest on the outside of the petals.There were colored stripes on the flowers too.If I ever do this expirement again,I would see if the flowers would get brighter if I used neon food coloring.
My hypothesis was partially correct.The flowers changed color like I said.But the mixed did not turn out like a rainbow.It was green with a little bit of blue.On the edges there were dark spots.If I did this experiment again,I would see what would happen if you put neon food coloring in a cup mix it up then put it in with the flowers.
my hypothesis was partially correct.I said all the color will be bright.but it was dark on the tips of the flower.thats why i was partially correct. I wonder how to make black.
My hyptheis was partially coorrect.Cause I said that blue
wuold change to black.For yellow
I said it wuold change to orenge.
Green I said it wuold change to
blue.Red I said it wuold change
to pink.I wonder if I cuold mix
all the coloers together in one
bottle and ster it up and see
what wuold happen if I did
my hypothesis was incorrect.I said that red would be the only bright color.Yellow is bright so is the red.The mix is a solid green.The blue is very dark sill some white.Green is a little dark.Iwonder what would happen if you added the mix with neon colors.
My hypothes was partly correct.
I side that red wuold be the darkest but it was one of the
litgest. And I side when we added
all the colers it would have strips
of all the colers but it was
green.I wonder what would... If I
did this experamnt agan I would
try the same colers but with marcer
My hipothisis was partialy correct. I thought red would turn pink,green turning green,yellow makeing yellow,and blue turning blue.But I thought the mixed would make brown but it turned green.Green was very strong.The lightest color was yellow it was super light.If I did this experement again I'd mix two colors for a flower and see what happens.
my hypothes was corect.I said the flowers would change color and it did.but I still saw a little bit of white.I wonder what would happen to the flowers when they die.if I do this experiment again I would paint the flowers petals instead of adding the drops of paint.
my hypothesis was partially correct.i said red is the brighest and blue is going to be the darkest color.and the mixed color is going to turn into a brown mess.the red is the brightest color the red had darkish red in the middle and kind of a pinkish with it to and their is a little white.yellow is bright to but just not as bright as the red it has lots of yellow on the flower there is dark yellow and light yellow and a tiny bit of is the darkest color it is more dark on the tips and a little dark in the inside with some white.the green is dark just not as dark as the blue the green is more dark on the tips and a little dark in the inside and a little white.and the mixedwas mostly white with some green.and one day i would like to try lemon badries.
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