We read Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. This book is a biography about a man named Wilson Bentley who was born in 1865 and lived in Vermont.
Why do you think the author wrote this book? What did she want us to understand?
The themes found in this book are patience and perseverance. Choose one theme and give an example from the book that supports the theme you chose.
the auther wrote this book to tell about snowflake benley life
snowflakebenley took patience for exsample he whated for ever too show a snowflake.
The auther wrote this book because it teacher about Snowflake Bentley.One theme is patienc, because Snowflake bentley was patienc because Snowflake Bently had to be patience to take it.And also patience to wate for ather winter.
The auther wrot this book so we
haer more about snowflak bentely
and that we can show patien and
perseverance.I choose patiene as
my them cause it takes patiene to
capture a snowflake cause they melt befor anyone can see them.
I think the author wrote this book
for people to be interested in snowflakes.
patience because snowflake bently was pacent because he stood there for a long time waiting for a snowflake to stick in the inside of his back.
I think the author wrote this book
to teach us the history of
snowflakes.One of the themes are perserverance because he didn't give up when he failed.
He wrote it to show how he never gave up and keep trying and over time he got a good picture. 1.his parents bought him a camera when he was 16. 2.he had many failures but eventualy figured out how to take pictures of chrystals. theme-patience and perseverance.
The author wrote the book to teach you how to have patience.
Even though his first picture didn't look like the shadows,he didn't give up.
The author probay wrote this book
so other people would know about
snowflake Bently.
One theme from the book is perseverance because he wouldn't stop trying to take a picture of a snowflake.
I think the auother wrote snow flake bently to share the same thing as snow flake bently.and i also think snow flake bently had patince because he had many failures trying to take a pictures of snow flakes.
1.I think the ather rote this book
to explan is life.
2.Patience,he cept on tring tow get
a pictir of a snowflak.
I think the author wrote book to tell aboout snow flake bentley life and to have perseverance and patience.
I think the Author wrote this story to tell the story of Willie Bentley. One theme from the story is patience. Another theme is perseverance.
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