Sunday, December 08, 2013

Kerner's Folly

What was your favorite part of Kerner's Folly? Explain why.


sadie said...

My faveorite rooms in Kerners Folly are the,Reception room,the porch,Dores room,and the master bedroom.I liked the Reception room because of the kissing corners,the very big christmas tree,and the murals on the ceiling.I liked the porch because of the witches pot.I also liked dores room because of all the pink.Last but not least the master bed room.I liked the master bedroom because of the huge closet.

Ephraim said...

My favoret part of Korners Follywas, the reception room , because thegianttree. The room was huge, and there were some kissing corners.

ANNA.A said...

MY favorite room in the kerner's folly was dore's room and the dining room .I liked the doll's that dore had. ALSO what i like was the hat's she had.ANOTHER room I liked was the dinig room. I liked all the decorations and the murals on the ceiling.

Cidne said...

My favorite part was the reception room.I mostly liked the Christmas tree because of the size and all the pretty big and small ortaments.I also liked the presents under the Christmas tree.It was all at the amazing Keners Folly.

Gabe said...

My favorite part was the smoking room.It had beautiful funurtre and paintings.Also it was underground.Jule only allowed smoking in that room only.There was a pipe on the table because he worked for Bull Durham

JOEY said...

I like the wole korners folly house.It is an awesome house.Jule put trap doors I wish i could see where they lead.The trap doors are used for cold air.Ant dealys house is cool because it has a old sewing machine

Tommy said...

My favorite part about the Korners Folly is Aunt DealLey,s house.I liked all her stuff like the lamp.

danielle said...

my favorie part in koners folly is Dore's room and the dinning room because there beautiful rooms.This house was pretty .The kissing corners were funny in this house in the reception room.

tyler said...

I love the play room it is the best. thes are the things that are in the play room books,toys,even pinoco.

Madelyn said...

My favorite part of kerner's Folly was the reception room because the kissing corners are funny and the three chairs together look fun. The christmas tree is big and pretty. I basicly liked the whole house but I liked the reception room the best.

Anna.H said...

In kerner's folly,I liked the
recption room because of the beatiful seemed funny to
me when I saw the kissing corners
.Also the room has a great big Cristmas tree too.

cayden.m said...

my favarite of kerners folly was the receptiom roombecause of the kissing coners.

abigail said...

My favarit thing is the reception room because it was so big flad the kissing corner was relly funny and i like the big chrimastree i like the babay that dorele was holding. i love kerhes folly because it was so big.It was so much fun.You can do lots of stuff.I like the hat that Dore was whering.My favorite part was Amelia.Because that was my part.It was the best feild trip ever.There was lots of things there.

Skylet said...

I liked the reseption room because it had lots of decorations and it is really big in kerners folly.

peyton said...

My favorite part of kerner's folly was the reception room because I like the big tree.

Journey said...

I have 2 faverit room.One thing is the reception room because it has kissing coners.Another reason is that it has a big chirstmas tree.One other thing I like is the master bed room because it had a lot of differnt things like the baby corridge for the baby and the baby crib.

sarina said...

My favorite part of korner folly was the rose room.Iloved the rose room because it was pink and pretty.Therose room belonged to Dore, the daghter of Jule Korner,the oner of korner Folly