Sunday, October 27, 2013

Carnivorous Plants

We learned carnivorous plants are meat eaters. We saw the Pitcher Plant and the Venus Fly Trap at school. What did you think about these carnivorous plants? Explain your opinion.


anna a. said...

i thoght the carnivoris plants were cool,because they eat bugs and they have little hairs.also they are meat eaters.

Gabe said...

I think they were cool beacause they eat meat.They eat bugs.

Cidne said...

I thought the carnivorous plants were cool because of the very sharp looking hairs.They eat bugs and meat.

tommy said...

The plants where Alwsome!It,s cool that they can eat AND meat.But ants can ecape.

madelyn said...

I thought they where cool because we got to touch them and they felt realy soft.We got to see how they tighten up.

abigail said...

i like the plant video because they were alwsome because they had good music and the plants wrere so butifull too.

Ephraim said...

I thingk they are cool.Because they eat insects.I want a venus fly trap.Do you want a carnivorous plant

Anna.H said...

I thought the carnevarese plants
were alsome because they eat bugs and ensets.The carnevres plantsare a veanes flytrap and a pitcher plant.The pitcher plant holds water
in the pitchers.Vens flytraps eat

joey said...

i thought they were cool because they eat insects.

Eric said...

I thank that the carnveroes plants are cool becuse they eat bugs.

Journey said...

What i learned is when a fly gets near a fly trap it gest it and eats it.

SADIE said...

I thought the carnivorous plamts were cool because they are plants that eat meat

Skyler said...

I think that carnivorous plants are helpful because they keep flies from ruining our food supplies.

sarina said...

I thought the carnivorous plants are helpful because with out them flys,bees and other flying bugs would take over the world.

peyton said...

I thank the carnivorous plats are
cool because thay eat meat and bugs.

natalie said...

I loved the carnivis.I loved the fly trap the most,because how insect can get stuck in its mouth,and flies can too!I also loved the pichture plant.Iliked how it looked liked an pichture that you poor!