Sunday, September 23, 2012

Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade

We read Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade by Suzy Kline. One of the themes in this book was courage. Doug faced his fear of mines by going into one on his class field trip to the Copper Mine. Can you  make a connection (Text to Text or Text to Self) to this book with the theme of courage?


Eli said...

I have a text to text thing.I read The Mystiors Cheese Theif and Gernimo Stilton faced his fear of the cheese theif.

michael said...

i read a book called brave as a mountain lion in this story a kid named spider has got in the school spelling bee and he does not want to be in it but he gets the three sayings brave as a moutain lion clever as a coyte silent as a spider

cecilia said...

i had a conection about the time when i first rode my bike . i thought i would fall of it but it turned out ok.

morgan said...

brave as a moutin loin becase he deseds to do the spelling bee.

alyson said...

My conection to horrible harry is:
Igot over my fear of going off the diving board in june and I read to books that had courage one was as brave as a mountine and junie b jones first grader at last.

zach said...

On hallaween when Im scard I act
like Im not scard at all.I love
Hallaween!Do you get scard on

scott said...

I fase my fear of hites wene I went on a rolercoster. I was scard. At frst but it was fun.

sarah said...

I read a book called,Brave as a mounten lion. This story was about a boy named Spider and he had a fear of a spelling bee his teacher asked him to do. Spider faced his fear and won second place!

Katrina said...

I have ben through the same thing Doug had ben through.I went into a haunted house.It was very scary. But I faced my fears and went in. And I found out....its not scary after all!I was very happy that I faced my fears,and my mom was proud of me too.That me happy the most.And that was when I faced my fears. THE END

rafael said...

I read a book call brave as a mouenten lion is all about thist kid name spird he enter a spelling bee and he fuolod his spearit

LEROY said...


sergio said...

I wus ufade of a hors.

adam said...

i was scard when i jumpd off a diving bord with water 10 feet down

Qyntell said...

In brave as a mointin lion spider wants to be brave but he is scared and faces his fear at the end he was scared of a spelling bee he won seconed place.

Nora said...

i think that it is a good thing for Doug to face his fears!! that reminds me of a face fear thing at disney. when i was in my early 6 years i went to disney. i was afarid to drop down really fast and high and so i decided to face my fears and do the Hollywood Tower Of Terror, like Doug went into the mine!! i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared i almoest wet my pants! i know doug was scared too he might had wet himself too. i dont think he would wet himself because he is matoure. so we got in our car and we started in space then ghosts. here comes the BAD part there they open the windows...5...4... 3...2...1...DROP 70 feet high to the ground again but 50 feet then it was over! finally that DEATH RIDE was OVER! well i did not like it but that is when i had to face my fears!!! that was a... DEATH RIDE to me because i was small. but it was an adventure too. i think it was an adventure for doug.

jayden said...

duges clase was going on a the gole mind.but duge was rely sceard.after what he woched on tv.when his clase got to the gold mind he was very sceard.when duge and his clase came out he fast his fear.

that remids me when i had cerige. wheni got on a rolercoster.


McKenna said...

It was fun learning about how Doug faced his mine fears.One time when I was little and me and my family was at Walt Disney World.My mom and dad helped me throw the dinosaur ride.The dino ride was pretty fun even though I was scared at first like Doug.

cole said...

this rimids me of when was afrad the dark.

nate said...

once I went to play I faced my fer and did it.