Saturday, August 25, 2012

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                            We read How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Mark Teague in class.

                             Do you think the boy exaggerated when he was telling the class about
                             his summer vacation? Why or why not?

                             How did you spend your summer vacation?


Eli said...

I think he was exzajrateing.
I was mostly playing with my friends.

michael said...

when i read the book i thought he had a very very big mind

michael said...

when i read the book i thought he had a very very big mind

morgan said...

I think he has a big imationation
and he did not go roping.

I went to michigan and wet an

Nora said...

I think that the boy cant be captured by thoose cow boys. Pluse bulls are MEAN!!!!!!!!

scott said...

I thinc the kid was Iksagrating.

michael said...

his inmagenaiton was big big big

Alyson said...

I think the boy has a crazy imationation. he OVER igzaderated.

I went to the beach for summer vacation!

cecilia said...

i think the boy had alot of imagination

jayden said...

I thank that he had a big imginashin.He probule went to see a bufulw.

sergio said...

His mom shood be werded I THeek He is in dagerd.

I went to swim in the beech

rafael said...

I thought that the boy had a big imagnaes of the cowboy. I want to myrtle baech.

adam said...

he was capcud by cowboys
i went to gatlinberg tennessee

Leroy said...

I went to Ymca camp.

Cole said...

I thik he felt a graet amagnshun.It is graet to have amagnshun.

michael said...

when i read the book i thought he was a real cow boy was he ????

leo said...

How cond he do that.
Cowboys got hem in the dazer.
He his saraten.
But if he did got cenap he cund not be at school.

zach said...

I thing,k he was useing his omajenaeshon.he probly did that with his grandmall.

I went to the bech this summer.

sarah said...

I think the boy was a little exsaterated. I don't think he relly got capterd by cowboys. I went to the Great Wolf Lodge.

Mckenna said...

I think the boy was little like 2 or 3 and his grandma told him that to youse his imanion on a game.So his grandma told him he got capture by cowboys.Thenhe told he's class!!!!

on summer brick I went swimming!!!!

nate said...

I think that was his itmageitnasin

on my vaksin I went to the beach.

Nora said...

What I did for Summer vacation was i went to the beach with my nabors and not my dad!! :p we had ALOT OF FUN!!!!!! :) then we came home for a couple weeks and then went to unarvasal in florida!! we road all the hary potter rides... not me because i would get dizzy. my sister road ALL THE CRAZY RIDES! the hulk was her favorite and the harry potter castle was mine my second favorite ride had to be the MIB one.sadley we had to go and we were really really sad!but we had an other beach trip and we still made it through summer! I loved my summer!! :):p

Maggie said...

I think the boy was exaggerating
because there is know Wild West in
the 2,000's.

For this Summer vacation I went to
Savannah,Georgia with my Daddy.
We woke up at 7:00am and got there
at 2:30.Once we got to our hotel
we had to unpack so we asked the
staff where our room is. It was on the second floor in room 212.
We went up the elevator to our room
.I had brought my 3DS, my stuffed
dog, my pink squishy ball, and
my blue fairy doll to play with.
after we were done unpacking we
went to look around the hotel.
The walls were painted baby blue
and there were green plants everywhere around the breakfeast bar.There was even a pool outside!
That night we ordered pepperoni pizza. I also played my 3DS until
I fell asleep.The next day I went
to River Street. My Daddy said I
could get a soiveneer from a gift
shop. I got a wooden flute with a turtle on it.That night I went on a
ghost tour.We had to wait for the trolly bus to come.It took about 15
min. for the trolly bus to come.Once we got on the bus there were only few more stops to go
before we start the tour. After
all the stops we began the tour.
Nothing was fake about the tour.
One of the storys was about a man named Francis who was cursed.We also went inside a haunted house
and a haunted pirate restraunt.
The next day was the last day before we left so we had to make it amazing!!! That day we went to the beach.I brought my boogie board to the beach so I started to boogie board until the wind started to blow and the clouds started to turn grey. A storm was
coming.Me and my Daddy went inside
the car to leave.The next day after packing up,we gave the staff the key to leave.As we hopped inside the car I was going to miss
Savannah, but theres nothing better
than home.


(ps,my Daddy wrecked the rental car)

Nora said...

oh and i think the boy has the most oddest imagination!


jacob said...

i sall a rear cowboy be for he came from texis he was tall.

jacob said...

i fast my fer befor. i whent in
a rael hotid hose.+