Thursday, November 04, 2010

African Animals

What did you think about the book African Critters by Robert B. Haas?


katelyn said...

I liked the hiena the best. because the little cubs they has black fur. it was cute.

nick said...

i like aferc creters

austin said...

my faverite anmel Is the wild dogs becouse I like dogs and the wild dogs are dogs there qute also

katherine said...

i thank it was a little sad but funny.i thank it was vary nice of the wild dogs to let the week wild dogs eat first and then they eat.i wish i had the book.

ally said...

I really liked this book because I like anamals.My favrit anamal was the cheta because i think they are cute.

tarah said...

Ithoght that my favoroite was the hiena because they cared for there baby cubs. I like the baby cubs to becaus they were a pretty black when they were cubs.When they get to be big they can go on there own.

vivian said...

i think african critters is a good book i like the hienathe best.

Jacqueline said...

I thot thet it was cool about the anmols.I lered that wioled dogs cared for eshother.

madison18 said...

I like the graf.

Camille said...

I like the hienh the best and the leporol and the cheetah! I like the book and the anamils they are so cute and the elephit to!

jordan said...

I think that there are many ways to tell a lepord and a cheetah apart.One way is to look at there face.You have to look for a line on a cheetah face and if you dont see the line on a cheetah its a lepord.elephants have strong muscles in thier strunks.

Rex said...

I Liked the lion.They eat meat.

john said...

THe african critters rmide my the elaphant and the lion from the serkis.My farite anmull was the wild dog.

benn said...

my faite african sanve is the big grays.

Katelyn said...

i liked thehieacubs becuse they look cute they have blak fur.they are thecuteist little hieana cubs i have ever seen. you wold want one.

Anonymous said...

I like the hiena.I thik that they can run to 63 and 1/2

vivian said...

i like african critters mostley because of the animals

austin said...

I like the leperd becouse thay run fast

katherine said...

i really liked the book.i wish mrsedwards could read it again. i really liked the lion the best.

katelyn said...

i like the grefife because there long neke

Rex said...

I liked the cheetah.They run fast.They are rare.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what happened to the baby cheeta.

Anonymous said...

like afrcan creters

camille said...

i love the black panther!

Katherine said...

I really liked the animals and I wish that the baby cheeta was with it's mama.

katherine said...

I really liked the book .

jordan said...

i really liked the cheetah brothers and how they chased their prey.the little cheetah standed there so brave i was very surprised.

Rex said...

I liked the cheetah.They run fast.Cheetahs are cool.

camille said...

i love the cheetahs!

Katherine said...

I really liked the cheeta brothers it was nice of the cheeta brothers to spare the baby cheeta's life and snugl with the cheeta family.I was suprised by the Hiynas.

camille said...

i love the hihnh!

katherine said...

I hope the cheeta family findes the third baby or the baby cheeta will find them.

camille said...

i liked the wild dogs because the little cubs they are so CUTE!!!!!

camille said...

i love the book afrcin creters.

Tarah said...

I thoght i liked the hiena becuse there so cute.

Jacqueline said...

Afcen anmals is a good book.
It can tech you a lot of troo staf.
I asowe liked the way that the anmli.
The anmalis in the book wer cuoot.

tARAH said...

The book we read was good. i like the ZEBRA to....... AS GOOD ...

tarah said...

i like the

Katherine said...

I kind of wish the cheeha brothers were always nice to the cheeha family.I thank the hippoe was vary fat.

NICK said...


camille said...

i love all of the african animals!

katherine said...

The lions are vary introsting I thank the male lion is vary dangeris.I kind of wish the liperd was nice to be with.The wilddogs were vary introsting.I would like to see a wilddog in reel life.But not in a zoo.

katherine said...

I thank the book was cool.I wish the baby cheetha was not alone.

camille said...

i liked graf.

katherine said...

I hope the baby lion is safe.

camille said...

i love the hienhs cubs they are so CUTE!

katherine said...

I really liked the animls the hippo was the funnyest.

camille said...

i love the wild dog!

tARAH said...


camille said...

i like the is so BIG!

katherine said...

The mother cheetha most miss her baby cheetha cub alot.The leopard is very graceful and queit.I did not know the Hiyena ate bones.I thought it ate meat.I would miss my cub if I were a cheetha.The lion is very mean sometimes.When the cheetha brothers atacted I was weried because I did not want the cheetha cubs to die.I wonder if the hippos are loseing any waht.The elefents are very big.I wonder why the diraff was`nt in the story.

katherine said...

I liked the bugs the least because they are not cool. The leopard is the coolest. The leopards kind of look like the cheetahs. When the cheetahs grow up they will be like their mom. I love it when I see the cats!

katherine said...

The animals were very intristing and cute. most of all the wild dogs were the most intristing because they split up for the food like it was a plan and they really care for each other.

camille said...

i like the book it was good!

camille said...

I like the wild dogs!


All the anmalis wher kout. My favret was the leperd in the green

katherine said...

I can`t wate tell I can see a wildn dog in real life. I loved when the cheehta brothers cutuled with the mother and the baby cheehta cubs! The leopard was the prettyest. Why is there not many wild dogs left and why are they scared of people?

The wild dogs are the most cute animals of all. The lions were not nice to the cheehtas and leopards.

I love animals!!!!!

CAMILLE said...

one mroing my mom showed me a viteo it was about when theis two men trad a loin and seit it out to afrca kenya and the men desid to see the loin. whenthey get tere the loin rembers them. my mom cried!

sloan said...

the sun set looks pritty.and the animils are cool.