Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Water Cycle Song

What did you learn about the water cycle?


Kayla said...

The water cycle goes round and round.It starts with evaporation.Heat makes the water rise and turn into water vapor.Next comes condensation.The water vapor cools and turns into clouds.Third we have precipition.The clouds get to heavy and fall as rain or snow.Last there is accumulation.The water flows back into the rivers and streams to start the cycle agian.

Morgan V. said...

The water cycle goes round and round.First, the water evaporates.Next, it turnes into condensation.Then, when the clouds get dark and heavy, precipitation falls.finally, the precipitation goes down and makes accumulation.Then it starts all over again.

bryson said...

The water cycle goes round and round and cleans the water on our plant.evaporation starts when suns heats the water and turn into water vapor.Next condensation starts when little water drops from clouds.Then precipitation falls down as snow,frezzing,sleet,freesingrain and rain.

jacobw said...

the sun heats the water to turn into a gas. this is called evaporation. then the clowds forme.ran comes out win the clowds get havey.the ran mackes the ponds feld up. then the water cycle starts all over ageny.

Tyler E said...

The water cycle gose round and round .When the sun is out the water turns to water vaper.When it forms a cloud.When the cloud gits heavy enuf it ether rains or snows.The rain or meltid snow gose into starems,lakes and ocens.Thin it starts all over agin

sydney said...

the water cycle goes round and round.the suns hotness causes water to evaporate.oncethe clouds become realy heavy snow,hail,sleet and frezing rain start to fall out. when clouds form thats condiensation.then when it rains during the water cycle it falls in oceans,rivers and streams.when water evaporates it turns into a formed gas called water vapor

Maggie said...

Wath is the watercycle?The first thing that hapens is evaporation. Wath ecoures evaporation it is when the suns heat maks the water turn into watervapor.Wich is invisbol gas.Condashion is when to much gets in clouds like rain snow,freasingrain and sleet fall.precipitaishion is when it falls down as snow or rain.

Jacob.a said...

evaperation when water turn into gas codensalion is the name for cioud preiptation is when it rain accumuiaion when the water go back into the pond.

alexandria said...

The water cycle star with evaporation.Evaporation is when the suns heat brings the water to condensation. Condensation is when the coluds are full of drop of water.Then it gose to precipition.Precition is when it rain and snow.Then it accumulation.Accumulation brings the water thure the streems.Now it is raedy to star again.

MorganW. said...

when water gets hot water can evaporate.into the clouds it goes.Thats condensaition.When it can't hold it anymore it falls.It filles lakes,river and streams.Thats aqumalaion.

Logan said...

Evaporation is water that rasis up into the are and the sun casis it to the are.the water cycele goes rond and rond.The clods get havey and rain falls down.precipitation is snow.accumulation iswater that falls into the pond.Andthe water cycele starts all over agin.

ethan said...

The Water Cycle
The water cycle startes out with evaporation.[that means turning into a gas.]Once the water evaporates,it turns into clouds.Then, it rains.Then, it gose back to a lake.

luke said...

Evaporation mens that when it it hot outthe het makes the watry trn in to gas. condensotion mens that the gas trns in to clouds.precipitation mens the cloud get to hevey it rnis.accumulation mens the oshins and strems get fild up then it strts ovre agin.

nallely said...

the water cycle gos raond and raond.into a gas.then cioods gat havey an rain cums daon.the water gos into rivrs,streams,oshans.then it stots ovre ugan.

madison said...

the water cycle gos rond and rond bringing water to awer laks,revers strems and oshans.the water cycle starts with evporashon.the heat maks a little rain drop flot into the we have condinsashon wich brings hail,slet,rain,snow and frising rain to awerer erth.aculashon wich brings water back to awer water lands.

Anonymous said...

Evaporation is when wather gos up in the are on suny days.Then it tren into clouds.Condensation is when wather trens into a clouds.Then condensation gos to precipition.precipition is when rain sonw and hal comes doun.Accumulation is when the rain make a pudle that gets biger and BIGER.Now the wather cycle sters all other agen.I like the wather cycle

kevin said...

The water cycle round and round and clean's the water on our planat.The first thing that happen's is evaporation.Water from all diffrent place's evaporat from the sun's heat.Then the water turn's into a gas called water vapor.Then the water turn's into a cloud.When the cloud's get full of water it rain's or snow's.That is called prcipation.The water gose back to lakes,rivers and oceans.Then the water evaporats again.

Jesse said...

the water turs into a gas.then the water turns into a claod.the claods get hathfey and it strteto rine.the water goes intothe solly the water goes into the srste all orvre ue gene.

Roy said...

The first step in the water cycle is evaporation.The suns heat makes the water turn into a gas called water vaper.The vaper rises up and up until it gets so cold it turns back into water.They form cirrus,stratus,cumulus and cumulonimbus cloulds.This is called condensation.When the cloulds gets to haevy it rains.

ally said...

I thout that the water cycle song because it is funny and you learn something new.the water cycle gose around and around.rain ,snow and hail and sleetis called prasipatashon.

Tarah said...

I really liked the water cickl sang better then any ather sang.

Tarah said...

I really liked the water cycie sang because we larnd somethin about the water cycle sang. When it ranis snows slet and hail. That is called paspiatashon. Ireally liked the sang the most that is what i liked the water cycle goes arand and arand.

Tarah said...

I really liked the water cycle sang a lote because it repited it self that is what made it so much fun i think.

Tarah said...

I really liked the water cycle song so much.I really liked the pictures more then anything.They where so cute.They had lotes and lotes of color in them i mean they had a lote of colors in them.My favrite part was the round and round.

CAMILLE said...

i loved the water cycle song sooo much and my teddy bear i dance with him to it! the water cycle naver stops it go s round and round and round my mom likes it to.

camille said...

i love the water cycle song i love it sooo much!!