Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse

What did you think about our field trip to Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse?


Kayla said...

It was asome.I liked the bannas and the waterfall and the fish the most.I realy realy liked the volcano.I had a fun time with my class!

MorganW. said...

I liked the part when he jugeled.I persanly liked the chicen.The fish were nice.I loved the volcano.I loved it all.

ROY said...

At the restraunt the chef made a onoin volcano.It was cool.

Bryson said...

I like were he did the volcane.Also when he did the fire.I had so much fun.I tryed some chiken it was good.

Maggie said...

I thot the tokyo japanese restaurant was fun.My farvor thing was waching the guy cook.My farote thing he cooked was the bnans.The rice was yarey good.It was fun!

Luke said...

I like win thay jugold and did treks.I like the valkano. Win the isploshin of the fiyr.

JACOBW. said...

the riss was good.wen he did the fire was kully.the man was jugolen.the chein was good.the appeiis wer swet.they put sous on the riss.

Madison said...

yesterday my class went to a japanes resront. my favrot thing that he cookt was the favrot trik was the valcano.i allso liket the saled.i love'd the japnes reshront.

mitchell said...

I think that the onin valcano is cool.A giy trnde on the lite with the spacla.I like when the giy did trits.We got to eat rise and chikin.I got to ride the bus ther.

Kevin said...

Yesterday i went on a feild trip to a japanese steakhouse.Right when i got there i got to eat salad.they also had chicken,rice and banas.I loved it!

jesse said...

the man set aneing thing up.I saw he flet the theing.

alexandria said...

I liked the rice and the chinkin.The bannans was the drist.we all had purnters mine was migge.We was on bus 763.I love japan very very very very very very much.

Jacob.a said...

he juggd and he made a folcanoes and made fiur no the grelul and he cut rise and chickn and he cut uin he put soy sos no uin .

Nallely said...

i like the port that he juguld on the stov.and thebast port is the food.i like,t the food.and the fiyr.and the viocanowe.

Logan said...

I like when they don the favorite when he made the vlow cano with fire flys.

Tyler E said...

I thout the tokyo restaurant was cool.I lick the volcanoe it was alsum.The trecs wer omaseing!I loved the food.The fire was cool.The chekin was the best.I lickd the rise to.The feldtrep was grate.

Rebecca said...

I like the big big flame there. I had a lot of fun there. Morgan set besid me and we sag 123 elminchy nerd!We had a lot of fun there tgether for every thag we saw!we got to see triks a lot of triks.We got to ride a big big bus to get there with a lot of chideren on the bus!I loved it there a lot lot.The food was very very very gooooooooooood!

Tylers. said...

I like the restant.the jalere was cool.the food is good.I like the rece,candne and banes.

Margaux said...

At the tokyo japanese restaurant they had.jogling,food, and a TV.The restaurant is fantsy. we aet slled, rice, and chenkin.

Rebecca said...

I forgot to say I liked the volcano a lot!!!