Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rainbows: Magic in the Sky

What do you know about how a rainbow is made?
What do you think about rainbows?


michael said...

i think it is very pretty.

sloan said...

rain boos have orange,red,yello,indigo and vilit in them.they are pritty.

wesley said...

I love rainbows because they are pretty.The top color is red then orange,blue,purple,vilet and then indigo.

griffin said...

i like the rinbow

bristol said...

i like it because it look pretty.

bristol said...

i like it

madison said...

i like rainbows because it has all of my favorite colors.

madison said...

i like rainbows because it has all of my favorite colors.

cody said...

I like a rimbow because it has lpokons gold at the end.

Brianna said...

I like rainbows.I like rainbows because they have purple.After it rains a beautiful rainbow appears up high in the sky!there are 7 colors in a rainbow.Red,orange,yellow,green,blu-e,violet and indigo.

erin said...

well the rainbow looks peritty cool but if there was a pote of gold at the end that would be awsome.

landon said...

i like how a rainbow has a lot of colers.

victor said...

I like the rainnbow becuse.I like the rainbow.

Andrew said...

I like leperckons!

matthew said...

it is so cool to see a rainbow.

Helena Allen said...

Conditions have to be just right for a rainbow to be created!I like rainbows because they have one of my favorite colors INDOGO!

landon said...

I think rainbows are pertey

chase said...

A laprcon are trice;.

Anonymous said...

i like rinbows because i like the pretty colrs. the colrs are ornge,pink,blue,prpole,yollow,green and intogo.those are pretty.

sarah said...

my third favrote color is voilet.that is why i like rainbows

Nora said...

i wonder rainbows get their BEAUTIFUL colors