Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chirp! Chirp! Out Come the Chicks: May 24, 2011

What did you think about the chicks hatching out of the eggs?


ally said...

I thout that the the chicks are soooo cute!!!I hope all of the chicks hatch.boo hoo if the chicks dont hatch.I wish i could name them butit is tooo hard.there soo fluffy. thats it!!! I will name all of them fluffy.I just want to pick one up and skwees it tight!!

Katherine said...

I think it is very cool that we are raseing little baby first born chicks. The butterflys when they came out of there cacoons they came out faster. The chicks are really fluffy. One is black and pink one is gold one is yellow one is black and yellow. We got all kinds of chicks. They are like really big fluffy cute cheeseballs. Only four have got to hath. We saw the chick a foot away come out of his or her egg. Only ten more to come out.

tarah said...

I really hope that all of them hach. They are all diffrent kid of chickes. The all are not all the same. I wish we could all hold one of them. I want some my self. My papa has chickes. there really cut but those that we have are so cute.

nick said...

our chicks are so cute. and they chirp relly loud.

zander said...

i think the chicks are cute.i dont want mrsedwards to take them to them away on friday.

Anonymous said...

well when we first got the chicks i thoght it was cool. we already have four chicks.theres eleven eggs left to hatch.my favorite chick is the black chick. when it first came out it was lying on the yellow chick.the yellow chick was the first chick to hatch.the yellow chick's name is fluffy.

Rex said...

The chicks are so cute.The chicks have grown a lot.When I saw them I was amazed!Wow!I couldn't believe my eyes!It was amazing!Everyone wanted to see.

deondre said...

I think the chickes are so cute. If i had to those i would those the yellow and black one. But i like them all. They are all diffenet kids. Thats what i like about all of them. Chip Chirp!

charleigh said...

I love raseing baby chicks so much.They are so cute.We always hear pep pep pep.I want to pick up a baby chick so bad. I like all of the chickes. But i like the yellow and black one the best. I wish i could tack one home with me so much.

John said...

I think they are so cute that I can keep one. They go pep,pep all day long that I can not get it out of my head.

jordan said...

I dont know if the other chicks are going to hatch or not.I hope they do. But only 4 have hatched.The chicks are very cute and fluffy and very loud.My favorite chick is the black and yellow. He is very playful and nie also very cute.I wonder if all the other chicks are going to get along if the others will hatch.But I thoght it is cool that Msr.Edwards got chick eggs.they are all so cute. I dont want Msr.Edwrdsto get rid of the chicks.But she has to send them back th the barn so that they can grow up a little bit better than they would here at school. Because they have more room to move arond.B ut I will miss them alot.

Jacqueline said...

I wish that I could have the first chick. The chckes are very cute and fluffy. Only four have hach out of thir egg. We had 15 eggs but
one did not fuly dvelup.It was sad
but it was okey.Because it wouedbe bad to keal one then all them.I do not what Mrs.Edwards to take them back to the farm on Firday I want
to tack them home.

tarah said...

I really liked the black and yellow one the best. I still like all of the other chickes. The chickes are so cool and cute. There so cute . I wish i could take one home with me because there so cute and they chirp to loud.I love raseing baby chicks because there from a real live farm and it makes me feel like im on a real live farm. I love them so much but they are just to fluffy. But there kida to fluffy. I really wish i coild take one home with me so bad. I wish i was on a farm so bad but im not i wish i could live on a farm.

jake said...

i really liked the chick.i wish i could hold the chick.i think the chicks is cute.they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny.

madison said...

I loved the chics.I like the blak and yellow.
I thay are soooooooooooo cute!!!!!

Becky Davis said...

How cool was that!! Great job on the video Mrs. Edwards. Thanks for sharing with us at home. Very special to see them hatch.

mackenzie bowling said...

wow! nice job on the video mrs. edwards. thats so cool! isn't that amzaing?

camille said...

i LOVEthe chicks they are so fluffy!

vivian said...

they were sooooooooooo cute.i like the gold one the best

camille said...

i am already missing the chicks and chris?!?!?!

charlotte waye said...

the chicks are soooooooooooooo cute.i like them alot .i wish i could take 2 home.

Tarah said...

I really liked the chickes so much. They all looked different. The yellow one was born first. The second one was the black one. The third one was the gold one. The fourth one was the striped. I wish i could take one home evrey day. I wish i lived on a farm so bad. I wish we steal had the chickes right now. They where tall and small chickes. One time they where lined up by talles to smalles. I want a chicke so bad. I loved the chickes so much.

BRIANNA said...


BRIANNA said...


sloan said...

i think the chiks were really cute.it looked like 2 of them were fiting

griffin said...

i like the first chick.

erin said...

the chicks were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocute.