Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Coloring Flowers Experiment January 2011

What did you think about our experiment?


camille said...

i thank blue and green was the britest.

Tarah said...

I cent beleve the red broke.

Tarah said...

The flowers where preety this year the flowers last year where preeter then this year i think. Because they where darker then this year this year the blue was the darkest then the green 1 then the red 1 then the yellow 1. I liked the ones last year and this year. They where darker last year bacause mrs edwards yousd a defrin food coloring that is why they where darker last year. That is why they where later this year.

tarah said...

I like the last year better then this year.

jordan said...

I thought the flowers were very prety but last years was better.I think that because she used different food coloring.last year the flowers were fully colored but not red or white.red broke because it was to close to the edge.

katherine said...

I think it was a good idea to do the expirment because it was fun and I lerned alot from it.I really think it was intristing.The flowers looked really cool when they were done.

katherine said...

I really liked the idea.I wonder when the class is going to do another expirment.

jake said...

blue was the dackes and the brigts.but red was brok.

Katherine said...

The expirment was very very fun I really think that the flowers looked darker last year.Iwould like to do the exirment at home.Last years flowers look really really differint then thhis years.I really really really love scince.

katherine said...

I really liked the flowers when they were done they changed alot.I saw that they were really differint bthen before.When they were white they were not as exiting then when they were afterwords.It was scary when the red broke on the floor.

jordan said...

i really liked how the flowers changed colors.they were kinda striped when we were done with the experiment.they turned out very pretty.last year they were alot darker except for red and white.same as this years white was lightest butred kind of broke.I am wondering when we were going to do another experiment.I coudnt beleive red broke.

ALLY said...


jordan said...

when we did the experiment blue and green were the darkest and yellow was brightest.white didnt change that muchso we didnt realy count white as a color.red broke so we had to clean up red and didnt count it as a color anymore.

Tarah said...

I liked the red best because red is my favrite color and it broke it was fun doing the exeriment. The blue 1 was the britest 1. The green 1 was the next 1 that was the britest 1. Then the red 1 was the nexst 1 that was the britest1. Then it was the yellow 1 was the last 1 that was the britest?

Camille said...

it was really really cute and cool. but red was cool to i thank? blue is my favrite color and i loved it and i wanted to do it at home!

Tarah said...

I think the blue was the darkest1 the red 1 broke and it was a mess i thoght.

Tarah said...

I love that we did that experiment because it was fun. The flowers where cool as can be. The food colroing can relly change flowers. The food colroing can change white flowers i thonth that they cant change the white flowers. The red 1 broke that was not fun. I loved this experiment because the blue 1 was the coolest 1 i thonth. I was going to do that experiment for the sisint fair projeknt but i could not find it on the cuputer. I told my brother and sister that i did it in school she liked it. My brother did not lesin to me so he didint no. So i told my mimi she said she think about it she came up with a nother projeknt thonth so i said ok. I loved doing the the experiment.

katherine said...

I really liked the flowers last yesar better than this year.I can`t beleve the red fell over on the floor.I wish the flowers were darker this year.

Tarah said...

I love that we did the experiment because it was super fun. I love that the flowers changed colro because they are so preety and they where so COOL! I love that we did it this year in stend of last year? I love being in 2 grad.

katherine said...

At first the flowers looked like they were fake.I really liked the flowers this year,but I really really liked them last year.

katherine said...

Last year`s flowers were better than this year`s flowers.Because they were darker.I really liked doing the experiment because it was fun and exiting.When the flowers changed they looked like they were pick from a garden a little while after they bloomed.I know why the red flowers broke because the red flowers were to close to the end of the table it fell off.When we started to do the experiment I was very exited.Because I felt like it would be fun.I was hoping the flowers would be darker.I liked the flowers when they were done anyways.I had the feeling one of the flower vases would brake.I was thinking the yellow would brake.When the red vase broke I was scared.I really had to think about how we would do the experiment without the red flowers. How were we going to know which flowers were the brightest.

jordan said...

The flowers were not changing as much as last years but they did turn out very pretty. Some of the colors didnt change as much. Like red, we didnt have red that long.

Katherine said...

I kind of wonder what would the flowers look like if we put all the colors together.If the flowers were a differint kind of flower would they look differint or the same.I really wonder what would the red look like if it did`nt braake on the floor.When the red broke I thoght we were not going to do the experiment anymore.When I saw the flowers brake my mouth came wide open and I was very scared.The flowers were very light sinse the red flowers broke.They were very light I thoght the flowers would be darker than they terned out to be.I can`t beleve the red broke it was not suposed to be broken.I really want to be away from that spot.because of the glass.the red was very very pretty so was the other flowers!

Tarah said...

I liked this experment better thin mine. The 1 i liked was the red but it broke and i did not see that comeing at first. I really liked it thoght. The red was the litest exsept the yellow 1. The food coloring can chang white flowers i did not no that but i do now. When i saw the flowers i was like woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! The flowers are so cute when i saw them?!? The flowers where white at first then they where blue` red` green and yellow that was crazy to me i frext out whin i saw them and every body came looking at then and that was a lote of pepol. Im glad when the peopl came they did not noke them over when they came and looked at the flowers cause i thoght that they would noke 1 of them over. I loved doing this prolext because the flowers where so cute the last day and the last day we where doing it the red 1 broke. I loved last year to and last year the flowers where darker this year they wret as darker because mrsewdards youstd a diffrint food colroing that is why they where darker last year! I LOVED DOING THIS PROJEXNT!?!?!?!

katherine said...

I thought the flowers were very pretty.A little bit of the flowers were dark,but the rest of the flowers were very light.The flowers were very different from the flowers last years.I was a little bit to exited because I had never done the experiment anytime before.

Tarah said...

I loved doing the experment. The experment was fun doing it whith mesedwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

katherine said...

When the flowers were aas colored as they could get I saw the flowers from last year were darker.The flowers were very light when they were done coloring.I wonder what would the red look like if it did`nt brake.I would like to finsh the experiment with red if I could.It`s like the red broke out of knowwhere

rex said...

I liked how the flowers changed.It was creepy and cool at the same time.

Tarah said...

I loved doing the experment. The experment was fun waching the flowers chang colro the colors we did where red` blue` green and yellow. I liked the flowers the last day we did them. But on the last day the red 1 broke?!?!?!?!?! The red was the britest 1 exsept the yellow the yellow 1 did not do that good because it didn`t chage colro that much mabey the colro was to light for the flowers. I loved 2grade.

jordan said...

I wonder what would happen when you would mix the colors together.

katherine said...

The flowers were not as pretty as last year`s flowers.The flowers were very bright compare to last years`s flowers!I can`t beleve the flowers were not the same as last year`s flowers.

Tarah said...

I really liked the flowers this year and last year last year was darker then this year because mrsedewards bot anther cind of food colroing a liked last years better then this year!

Tarah said...

At first the flowers liked nromel them mrsedwards put food corlroing in the vase then the next day they where all cids of corlro???????????

katherine said...

I really did not like the red broken.Because I wanted to see how the red looked when it was done.With the red broken I could`nt do that.

Tarah said...

I really liked howm the flowers looked liked after the first day. The first day they where just plan white and that did not look right at all. So the nexst day they where all kidce of didffrit corlros that is what sprist me it looked cool and fun at the same time that was the fun part to me. I really liked it so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!

rex said...

The flowers looked better last year.But,this years looked okay!It was fun.

rex said...

Jeez.I loved it!Well,I meant the experment.It was awsome!