Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Winter Party 2009

What did you think about our Winter Party?


kayla said...

It was alsome.The food was good.the activites were too.I got my antlers.It was sooooooooo fun.mrs.edwards made it the best party ever!

MorganW. said...

The winter party was alsome.The best part was if I got 4 probloms right I get raindeer antlers.I loved it.

luke said...

I Thak that it was fun win we had elrs.It was fun win we made food That we eat.

sydney said...

I think that the winter party was fun because we made reindeer mix .we also made homemade ordments.we even made cupcakes. we also had to answer qustions. thats what i liked about the winter party.

bryson said...

It was relly fun.You had lots of citenrs.I liked the rein food.I liked the math prombles.

alexandria said...

i lake the winter was very cool.

ETHAN said...


MorganV. said...

The winter party was fun.I liked making the cupcakes.I got all four questions right.I liked the ornaments.I got raindear antlers.

mitchell said...

It was fun at are winter paty.I got reaader antler.Alexandrias reaader food works.when I woke up on crismis thh cantaer that the reaader food was in got tipt over.

Kevin said...

I liked my classes winter partty.once you did all the stayshins you get reindeer anutlers.We also got oreos favorite stayshin was makeing reindeer mix.

Maggie said...

My faverit part was makeing randear food.I did four math problms.And I got my alnters.The party was varey fun!

jacob a. said...

i like the part when i easr the 4 qetn so i cud get my raindeer antler i loved the party the bet

JESSE said...


roy said...

My favrit part was when we anserd qustoins and got reindeer antlers.

Rebecca said...

i thank it was grat wanter party. Rebecca miller

Rebecca said...

i thank it was grat. rebecca

tyler E said...

The wintar party was alsome.We ansard cqeshins and if we git are antlars.We made cupcakes and decarated it to.The food was good to.Then the party was over but we had a garate day to.

Madison said...

2 weeks ago my my class had a winter party!I wosn't able to come becose I had to go to disny.The frst day at disey we went to disnes holywood sodyos.I went on a gigantk rolercoster calld rock and role rolercoster.The next day we went to magke kingdome I rode splash matin.The next day we went to epcot we rode misin spas and soring

Logan said...

I like the winter party becuse we got to make rander food.randeerfood.

Anonymous said...

I like my prazent.I like the games