Monday, September 28, 2009

What did you do over summer vactation?


sydney said...

for summer vacaion I went to westvargan. when I was there I saw a bunny. after that I went to my hoetel. I had so much fun. Thats what I did for summer vacaion.

Maggie said...

On summer vackshon I went nower but I movd her from Panslvanyu.It was fun.All of grandparents cam to help move.But my grandparents left.But my ante came.It was fun.

MorganW. said...

Over the summer I went to my grandparents house twice.My grandparents have two dogs.One of them is very playful and the other one is old.They have a cat named soaker she is old too.I love to go to my grandparents house.

madison said...

On sumer vacshon I went to the bech I brot my frind Kaia.Wewent to ocke ilind.We jrof for 4 awer to get and kaia rode togather wene got thaer we sow awer room.Thne we went to the oshon.

tyler E said...

Over summer vayeckshin i whent sweming.It whs vaery fun we got to go to the beych to.And we got to go to a water perck.We only stad for five das.But i had a gerate time and thats all that maters.And we whent to a faer it is thaer every year.

jacob w said...

summer is fun i like it to i like to klime to it is fun to summer vacaion it is fun to suime to.i liket to suime to.i can juppy.

bryson said...

I went to beach this summer.I played with my buddy.I played on the beach.I played in the water.I played corn hole.I did't do very good.

Kevin said...

This summer I went beach camping.I got to go in the water evry day.

kayla said...

I went to the beach. I went to shell ilind beach.I bilt a sand casel 3 feet tall!The hotel was so big!We went to a room that had lots and lots of shells.I brot my dolls and I played with them.I wached a movie called barbie and the three musckuters.My brother brot his dinos.My sister brot her ds.So did I.Wene we got out I went swiming. My sister was siting in the sun.My brother was playing dino casal.We went to the gift shop and I got a webkins

mitchell said...

I went to the pool this somer.I went with my brother cole to the pool.My ferns wer at the pool to.I like to play games like play like some botes in the water and you cheriy to swim to the ather side with out geting tagd.

roy said...

On summer vaceashin I went to the beach with some of my couisins.

ethan said...

on summer vakashan, i went to teases . i went to the world's largest water park.

alexandria said...

i went to target and i got alot of toys.i got a lot of toys i don,t remeber what i got.but i got a lot.i had fun.i love toys.

Morgan V. said...

I like to go to the pool with my family.We swim in two pools.I can dive in the water and pick up my baby brothers cars.I can`t swim backwards,but my seven year old sister can.We have a great time there.

nallely said...

i wat to the zoo. and i had loits of fun. and iwat bac home.and i wat bac to slep.

jesse said...

i was goeg to go to my dad and i was goeg to geve my dad a ceve and a hug.

Margaux said...

I wet to the pool and sool you.then I wet to the lack.we loveed the lack so much we are going to invit you to the lack.So we are going back.We sool trcke big ,and it was funbrit.the ednd.

joy said...

i went to the beach with my family i sall the leaves fall down and i made a big pile and i jumped in the leaves pile and i got my hair with leaves.

tylers said...

I wat to the pool.I can dave in the pool.wan I was 6 I do not nod flote again.

logan said...

I whent swmming.It was verry fun.I can swmme fast.I like to jump of the diving bord.I like to go of the waterslid.
Itis cool

jaco said...

i want to lot vasgs with my mom and lot vasgs we went to there ried.went to lot vags it was drak there.i had so much fun.

luke said...

on summer vacaion i went to the beach and i got a jellyfish. it was fun.